Peer Review – Understanding the basics of a peer reviewed journal publication

The crucial role played by the concept of peer review before an academic paper can be published cannot be overemphasized. Peer review is a structure which ratifies academic research, journal papers and articles for publication in a peer review journal. It also aims to enhance the value of research publications within the academic community. Peer review remains the conventional process of validating academic paper and research articles with lots of success stories over the years regardless of the negative criticisms.

Scholarly or academic peer review referred to also as refereeing involves reviewing a draft of methods and findings of a researcher, student or author by professionals (termed “peers”) in the same profession often anonymously. Peer review thus helps the academic publisher who is the editor-in-chief, as well as the program committee and the editorial board decide which paper should be accepted, considered for corrections, or outright rejection for approved publishing in a reputable international journal for paper publication. It therefore acts as a determinant of a scholarly paper’s appropriateness for publication.

Peer review involves the assessment of research paper by different professionals with similar proficiencies as the owner of the paper (peers). It serves as a way of self-regulating research work within a particular academic discipline by experts within the field. Methods employed by peer review help to uphold values, offer credibility whilst enhancing performance.

Scholarly peer review involves a team of experts in a particular often defined academic discipline who carry out an open-minded review. It is largely considered crucial to qualitative academic research and is widely employed in most academic journals. At International Journal of Innovation Research, we trust the peer review system to uphold the validity and quality of journal articles including the journals that publish them.

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Categories of Peer Review

Usually, peer review is classified based on activity type and/or field wherein the activity takes place.

There are different kinds of peer review and a prospective author must be sure of which option is utilized by the research paper publication site wherein you wish to publish your article so as to be familiar with the journal’s rubrics.

Every single peer review variant is laden with pros and cons. However, the benefits largely outweigh risks more often than not. Here are the common peer review categories;

  • Single Anonymized Review

Here, reviewer’s identities remain withheld from the author. This remains the commonest and most conventional means of reviewing journal articles and papers on international journal publication sites. With distinct anonymized review, the fact that a reviewer remains anonymous creates room for taking unbiased decisions.

  • Dual Anonymized Review

Here both the author and editor are anonymous, thus limiting bias on the part of the reviewer with respect to the author’s identity, race, gender, educational status or prior publication history. This ensures that research papers submitted by prominent and well-known writers will be appraised based on the content of their research article for publication instead of their existing repute. However, sometimes based on long standing reputation, peer reviewers could recognize an author by his/her unique style of writing thus denoting a drawback to researcher anonymity.

  • Tripartite Anonymized Review

Reviewers are not known to the author and the author likewise remain anonymous to editors and reviewers in this model. Hence, research papers to be submitted to international journals for publishing are made anonymous when submitting and author’s information kept to curtail reviewer’s bias.

  • Open review

In the open peer review system, authors and reviewers know each other in the process of peer review. It may include publishing reviewers’ identities by certain international academic journals. Sometimes, reports of the peer review may be published together with the article, and may contain reviewer’s details.

This system is believed by many to be open, honest and transparent towards authors who are willing to submit their article for publication in a journal.

In conclusion, openness remains crucial to the peer review system. At International Journal of Innovation Research, we publish our reviewer’s names for author’s perusal and give feedback as well as provide updates on reviewer’s decisions and recommendations.


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